
Here’s a Temporary Fix for AirPods Owners Experiencing the Case’s Battery Draining Issue - bourgeoisspait1961

Antecedently, it was reported that the bombardment case accompanying the AirPods was discharging at an alarming rate, worrying users to a huge extent. Though opting for a replacement resolved the issue for indefinite user, what most the breathe of those consumers who simply cannot incu the time to incur a replacement or those who sleep in a sure as shooting part of the globe where Apple does not have formal stores to nurse replacements? Well turns out that there is a solution, but you should treat it as a parttime fix because chances are that just now because it is working for the another soul, it doesn't necessarily have to bring up for you.

Resetting Your AirPods Has Solved the Issue Only It Still Cadaver a Temporary worker Fix

Ane AirPods user from Reddit titled ff0000-information technology provides the following inside information on fixing the stamp battery draining return plaguing several owners. The information the user came across was found on MacRumors' forums.

"If you have your AirPods inside the case, and the AirPods are at 100%, and the case drains more than 1% per 5 hours, you are a victim of the AirPods example battery drain issue.

But get into't fret - in some cases, this can be easily secure by resetting your AirPods:

Weight-lift and hold the setup button for at least 15 seconds, until you see the status light flash amber a few times so flash white.

After that, you take to connect the AirPods again to all of your devices. If you sustain set the double tap to suspensio, you have to hard that again, as well."

Unfortunately, as stated before, the fix did not work for a larger user base as respective of them are still complaining that the AirPods' battery case is exhibiting problems for them. If you are experiencing a similar scenario and are living in a region where Apple provides replacements for the battery case, then you would DO yourself a huge favor if you decided to get your case checked out. If is always better to comprise safe than lamentable.

Are you an Apple's AirPods owner and are you experiencing something on the lines of the aforementioned problem? Recite us your thoughts right away.


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